Beatriz Oliveira de Carvalho


Undergraduate student in Geography at the Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Human Sciences of the University of Sao Paulo (FFLCH / USP). She participated in Rotary International's cultural exchange program in Delicias, CHI, Mexico in 2014 and 2015. She is currently a researcher and technology transfer fellow at the Center for the Study of Violence, USP (NEV) (CEPID-FAPESP) where she participates in the project “São Paulo Patterns: analysis and graphical representations and System of indicators of mortality, morbidity, crime, and exposure to violence” – under the guidance of Dr. Marcelo Batista Nery. She is currently working on her scientific initiation project under the subject area of Geography of Violence, Crime and Cartography, Criminal Dynamics in São Paulo: the quality of the Digital Occurrence Record and its Spatialization, advised by Dr. Sergio França Adorno de Abreu and co-advised by Dr. Marcelo Batista Nery and Dr. Prof. Rúbia Gomes Morato.

Academic Background

2017 – Undergraduate student in Geography.
University of Sao Paulo, USP, Brazil.


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Complete list of publications.