Erick Mauricio Gómez Nieto


He is currently a Postdoctoral Research Scientist at the Center for the Study of Violence (NEV) at the University of São Paulo (USP). Before that, from 2017 to 2019 he was Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science at San Pablo Catholic University (UCSP), Arequipa/Peru, where also he served as Director of the Undergraduate Program in Computer Science (2018-2019). From April (2016) to January (2017) I worked as a researcher intern in the Visual Analytics & Comprehension Research Group at IBM Research - BRL (supervision of Rogério Abreu de Paula). I hold a Ph.D. (2017) and an MSc (2012) degrees in Computer Science from the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science (ICMC) - (USP), São Carlos/SP, Brazil (advisor: Luis Gustavo Nonato). He obtained a B.Sc degree in Informatics Engineering from UCSP. His research interests are in data visualization, visual analytics, data science, and computer graphics.

Academic Background

2013 - 2017 Doctoral Degree in Computer Science and Computational Mathematics.
Universidade de São Paulo, USP, Brasil.
Title: Generation of semantic layouts for interactive multidimensional data visualization.
Advisor: Luis Gustavo Nonato.

2010 - 2012 Master's Degree in Computer Science and Computational Mathematics.
Universidade de São Paulo, USP, Brasil.
Title: Projeção multidimensional aplicada a visualização de resultados de busca textual.
Advisor: Luis Gustavo Nonato.

2003 - 2009 Graduation in Informatics Engineering
Universidad Católica San Pablo, UCSP, Peru.
Advisor: Eduardo Tejada Gamero.


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Complete list of publications.