Call for Post Doctoral Fellows – Centre for the Study of Violence – USP (CEPID/FAPESP Program)


The Centre for the Study of Violence of the University of São Paulo invites post-doctoral fellowship applications in four areas within the Institutional Research Program Building Democracy Daily: Human Rights, Violence and Institutional Trust, supported by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). The four fellowships are open for researchers from Brazil and abroad, and the […]

The Centre for the Study of Violence of the University of São Paulo invites post-doctoral fellowship applications in four areas within the Institutional Research Program Building Democracy Daily: Human Rights, Violence and Institutional Trust, supported by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). The four fellowships are open for researchers from Brazil and abroad, and the projects may be one-year long, renewable for two more years, beginning in March, 2017.

The Centre for the Study of Violence – University of São Paulo
The Centre for the Study of Violence (Núcleo de Estudos da Violência da Universidade de São Paulo – NEV/USP) was created in 1987. It was founded in the context of the Brazilian democratization. Since its creation, NEV has analysed aspects of the complex relations between the persistence of violence, human rights violations and democratic consolidation. Its research topics range from state violence, human rights, public security policies, criminal justice, exposure to violence, attitudes towards human rights, rule of law, and the quality of democracy in Brazil.

Building Democracy Daily: Human Rights, Violence and Institutional Trust
The ongoing institutional research program focuses on the way in which laws, rules and procedures are implemented over time and how this relates to the legitimacy of key institutions to democracy. We propose to analyse how this legitimacy is daily constructed, or jeopardized, by exploring the contacts between citizens and authorities, and its implications on human rights and violence. The project focus on the Brazilian context. It also aims to consolidate and expand an international research network that will lead to the establishment of cross-national studies. The CEPID Programme provides investments in educational activities and knowledge transfer as well.

The research combines micro and macro level data. The general research project is based on a longitudinal panel study to be carried out with residents, civil servants and early adolescents from strategically selected areas in the city of São Paulo. The panel aims to clarify causality relations, as well as explore on-going socialization processes. Please be advised that the research proposals must be related with, and contribute to the main project, as well as promote dialogues with the used literature. Access the summary of the main project and the first three yearly reports:

Nev Cepid Research Project

1st Report – 2013-2014: CEPID Fapesp Program “Building Democracy Daily: Human Rights, Violence and Institutional Trust

2st Report – 2014-2015: CEPID Fapesp Program “Building Democracy Daily: Human Rights, Violence and Institutional Trust

3st Report – 2015-2016: CEPID Fapesp Program “Building Democracy Daily: Human Rights, Violence and Institutional Trust

The four areas are listed below. Please click on each one to access the summary and work plan.

  1. Relations of Authority in Police Institutions – 1 fellowship
  2. Methodological studies about perception of legitimacy and institutional trust based on statistics and quantitative methods – 1 fellowship
  3. Legal socialization process of children and adolescents – 1 fellowship
  4. Innovations in public policies and legitimacy – 1 fellowship

Candidates’ requirements

1 – The candidates must have Ph.D., obtained in the last five years, in Sociology and/or Social Sciences related fields, with a strong quantitative, qualitative and methodological background, depending on the specificities of each area;

2 – Proficiency in English (both speaking and writing);

3 – Demonstrate academic publishing in the last five years, mainly in peer-reviewed academic journals;

4 – Full dedication to research (except under conditions outlined in the resolution PR Nº 13/2009, 15 July 2009);

5 – Not to receive a fellowship from another entity, salary or remuneration deriving from the exercise of activities of any nature (except under conditions outlined in the resolution PR Nº 13/2009, 15 July 2009).


Documents for application

1 – CV Lattes ( or Curriculum Vitae, if foreigner;

2 – MyResearcherID and/or MyCitation (Google Scholar);

3 – Publications list;

4 – Research proposal in English (five-to-ten pages);

5 – Copy of two publications (articles, books or book chapters).

 Contact and deadline

The candidate must send the documentation by email to with the subject “Postdoctoral Fellowship NEV/CEPID” followed by the chosen area. The deadline is February 06, 2017. For additional information, send an email to with the subject “Question about NEV PD Process”.

Selection process
Candidates will be selected in two stages. The first stage consists of the evaluation of the CV, publications, the professional profile of the candidate and the research proposal. This first stage is eliminatory. The second stage consists of an interview with the Selection Commission, who will evaluate the merit of the proposal and the interview performance. Candidates selected for the second stage will be contacted by email between February 13, 2017. Interviews (face-to-face or by video conference) will occur between February 14-16, 2017.

Candidates will be informed of the final result by email, and the information will be published on the website on February 17, 2017.

More information on:

The Post-doctoral Fellowship Program

The selected candidate will receive a NEV-CEPID/FAPESP Fellowship, which includes a monthly stipend of R$ 6.819,30 (approximately US$ 2.009,99 – Nov. 24, 2016) and Research Contingency Funds of 15% of the annual value of the stipend. Research Contingency Funds must be used with expenses related to research activity. Selected candidates will be able to work in a shared office at NEV-USP and have access to other facilities for fellows at the University.

The Fellowship can also include a financial support for researchers who need to move to São Paulo. If needed, this support can be requested at the end of the selection process. For more details on the fellowship, please visit for Portuguese, and for English.