Coordenador do NEV-CEPID e Pesquisadora Associada organizam GT’s no RC21 da ISA, envie propostas até 31 de dezembro


A Conferência do Comitê de Pesquisa sobre Desenvolvimento Urbano e Regional da ISA acontece no próximo ano em Santiago, Chile, no mês de julho. Sérgio Adorno, coordenador científico do NEV/USP e responsável pelo programa NEV-CEPID, organiza o painel 35, sobre “Novos significados da violência em cidades contemporâneas” (tradução livre). Teresa Caldeira, Pesquisadora Associada ao NEV/USP […]

A Conferência do Comitê de Pesquisa sobre Desenvolvimento Urbano e Regional da ISA acontece no próximo ano em Santiago, Chile, no mês de julho. Sérgio Adorno, coordenador científico do NEV/USP e responsável pelo programa NEV-CEPID, organiza o painel 35, sobre “Novos significados da violência em cidades contemporâneas” (tradução livre). Teresa Caldeira, Pesquisadora Associada ao NEV/USP e Professora da Universidade da Califórnia – Berkeley coordena o painel 31, sobre “Novas masculinidades e a reconstrução do lar próprio”(tradução livre).

Os GTs recebem propostas de trabalho até dia 31 de dezembro. Orientações abaixo, em inglês.

The next RC 21 Conference will take place in Santiago, Chile, on July 24-26th, 2024“The politics and spaces of encounters: advancing dialogues between and within the Global North and the Global South”.


Panel 31. New masculinities and the remaking of the proper home

Conveners: Teresa Caldeira

University of California, Berkeley and NEV-USP –Center for the Study of Violence, University of São Paulo

Description: Deep transformations have been reshuffling entrenched formations of class inequalities, gender hierarchies, and racial discrimination in peripheries of the global south, and affecting the dynamics of urban life. Family and household arrangements are at the core of these transformations and include: smaller families; more women-headed households; growing number of solo mothers (women who raise children by themselves); increasing same-sex households; and changes in popular housing markets with increasing rentals and decreasing autoconstruction. These transformations affect imaginaries of the proper home and practices of inhabiting urban peripheries. Feminist scholars have led in exploring these issues, often highlighting women’s agency. In this panel, we want to explore the articulation of new masculinities.

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Panel 35. New significations of violence in contemporary cities

Conveners: Sérgio Adorno

Department of Sociology and The Center for the Study of Violence, University of Sao Paulo (Brazil)

Description: Violence is certainly not a new phenomenon. But its meanings have varied overtime and in different social and cultural organizations. The etymology of the word is associated with power, vigor, potency, and the use of physical force in intensities that do not respect limits or agreed upon rules. It refers to such disparate phenomena such as wars and revolutions, hate crimes and intolerance, delinquency and crimes against persons and against property, domestic violence, conflicts in the relations among classes, genders, and ethnicities, in addition to grave violations of human rights, including genocide, torture, and restrictions to civil and public liberties. Violence involves states as well as different actors.

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Call for abstracts:

Deadline: December 31st, 2023.

RC 21 is the Research Committee on Urban and Regional Development of the International Sociological Association (ISA).