Teresa Caldeira


Possui graduação em ciências sociais pela Universidade de São Paulo (1976), mestrado em ciência política pela Universidade de São Paulo(1982), mestrado em antropologia pela University of California, Berkeley (1987) e doutorado em antropologia pela University of California, Berkeley (1992). Entre 1980 e 1995 foi pesquisadora do Cebrap – Centro Brasileiro de Análise e Planejamento. Entre 1988 e 1996 foi professora do departamento de antropologia da Unicamp. Em 1996 passou a integrar o departamento de antropologia da University of California, Irvine e em 2007 juntou-se ao departamento de planejamento urbano e regional da University of California, Berkeley, onde é professora titular. Fez pós-doutoramento na École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris (1994) e no International Center for Advanced Studies, New York University (1997-98). Seu livro, Cidade de Muros: Crime, Segregação e Cidadania em São Paulo recebeu o American Ethnological Society Senior Book Prize. Em 2012, recebeu um Faculty Mentor Award da University of California, Berkeley e foi nomeada Fellow da John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation.


1997-1998 – Pós-doutorado
International Center for Advanced Studies, New York University

1994 – Pós-doutorado
École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris.

1984-1992 – Doutorado em Antropologia
University of California, Berkeley, USA
Título: City of Walls: Crime, Segregation, and Citizenship in São Paulo
Orientador: Professor Dr. Paul Rabinow

1978-1982 – Mestrado em Ciência Política
Universidade de São Paulo
Título: Imagens do Poder e da Sociedade (O Mundo Cotidiano dos Moradores da Periferia)
Orientadora: Professora Dra. Ruth Corrêa Leite Cardoso

1973-1976 – Graduação em Ciências Sociais
Universidade de São Paulo


2010 Espacio, Segregación y Arte Urbano en el Brasil. Buenos Aires: Katz Editores.

2008 Democracy and Walls: New Articulations of the Public. Bilingual edition (Catalan and English). Barcelona: Centre of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona.
· published in Spanish as Democracia y muros: nuevas articulaciones del espacio público. Carajillo de la Ciudad - Revista digital del Programa en gestión de la ciudad. 2 (18), 2012. Available at: http://cafedelasciudades.com.ar/carajillo/4_art2.htm.
· partially reprinted in Dancing Cities – Dance in Urban Landscapes (Ciudades que Danzan), in a bi-lingual edition, English and Spanish. 2: 14-16, 2009.

2000 City of Walls: Crime, Segregation, and Citizenship in São Paulo. Berkeley: University of California Press.
· published in Portuguese as Cidade de Muros: Crime, Segregação e Cidadania em São Paulo.
São Paulo: Editora 34/Edusp, 2000; second edition in 2003; third edition in 2011.
· published in Spanish as Ciudad de Muros. Barcelona: Editorial Gedisa, 2007.
· published in Chinese, 2020.

1984 A Política dos Outros (O Cotidiano dos Moradores da Periferia e o que Pensam do Poder e dos Poderosos). São Paulo: Brasiliense.

Edição de livro
2011 Ruth Cardoso: Obra Reunida. Organization and presentation by Teresa P. R. Caldeira. São Paulo: Mameluco.

Livro em co-autoria
1989 São Paulo: Trabalhar e Viver, Vinícius Caldeira Brant, coordinator. São Paulo: Brasiliense. (254 pages).

2022 Transitoriness: Emergent Time/Space Formations of Urban Collective Life. In Grammars of the Urban Ground, Ash Amin and Michele Lancione, editors. Duke University Press. Pp.126-149.

2022 Transversal Connections: Seeing Cities from Other Spaces. (Connexions Transversals – Mirar les Ciutats des dels Espais Altres). In Seitze Barris, Mil Ciutats, Valentín Roma, editor. Barcelona: Ajuntament de Barcelona.

2021 Fieldwork: Problems We are Still Required to Think. HAU: Journal on Ethnographic Theory. 11(2):720-725.

2021 Desigualdade e Legitimidade: Problematizando a Produção de Conhecimento Social. Tempo Social. 33(3): 21-45.

2017 Peripheral Urbanization: Autoconstruction, Transversal Logics, and Politics in Cities of the Global South. Environment and Planning D – Society and Space. 35(1): 3-20. https://doi.org/10.1177/0263775816658479.
· reprinted in Beyond the Mega-City: New Dimensions of Peripheral Urbanization in Latin America, Nadine Reis and Michael Lukas, editors. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Pp. 57-82. 2022.

2015 Social Movements, Cultural Production, and Protests: São Paulo’s Shifting Political Landscape. Current Anthropology. 56(11): S126-S136.

2015 with James Holston. Participatory Urban Planning in Brazil. Urban Studies. 52(11): 2001-20017. Originally published online on 5 March 2014. DOI: 10.1177/0042098014524461.

2015 Ruth Corrêa Leite Cardoso. In Luiz Edmundo de Magalhães, ed. Humanistas e Cientistas do Brasil – Ciências Humanas. São Paulo: EDUSP/SBPC. Pp. 337-357.

2014 Qual a Novidade dos Rolezinhos? Espaço Público, Desigualdade e Mudança em São Paulo. Novos Estudos. 98: 13-20.

2014 Gender Is Still the Battleground: Youth, Cultural Production, and the Remaking of Public Space in São Paulo. In The Routledge Handbook on Cities of the Global South, Susan Parnell and Sophie Oldfield, editors. London: Routledge. Pp. 413-427.
· published in Portuguese as Gênero Continua a Ser o Campo de Batalhas – Juventude, Produção Cultural e a Reinvenção do Espaço Público em São Paulo.
RevistaUsp. 102: 83-98 – Dossiê Metrópoles. 2014.

2013 Rewriting the City. Cityscapes. 3:100-105.

2013 Nuevas Prácticas Urbanas y la Recreación del Espacio Público. In Ciudades Creativas – Volumen 5 – Espacio Público y Cultura en Acción, Félix Manito, editor. Barcelona: Fundación Kreanta. Pp. 26-36.

2012 Imprinting and Moving Around: New Visibilities and Configurations of Public Space in São Paulo. Public Culture 24(2): 385-419.
· published in Portuguese as Inscrição e Circulação: Novas Visibilidades e Cofigurações do Espaço Público em São Paulo. Novos Estudos 94: 31-67, 2012.

2011 Walls and New Technologies of the Public/Muros e Novas Tecnologias do Público. In Muntadas – Informação >> Espaço >> Controle, Jose Roca, curator. São Paulo: Estação Pinacoteca. Pp 216-233. (bilingual edition, English and Portuguese).
· published in Spanish as Los Muros y las Nuevas Tecnologías de lo Público. In Muntadas Contextos III – Una Antología Crítica, Victoria Sacco, editor. Barcelona: Ayuntamiento de Barcelona. Pp. 95-109, 2020.

2011 Worlds Set Apart. In Living in the Endless City, Ricky Burdett and Deyan Sudjic, editors. London: Phaidon Press. Pp. 168-175.
· originally pubished as Worlds Set Apart. In South American Cities: Securing and Urban Future, edited by Urban Age. London: London School of Economics. Pp. 54-55, 2008.

2009 Marginality, Again?! International Journal of Urban Regional Research. 33(3):848-853.

2008 with James Holston. Urban Peripheries and the Invention of Citizenship. Harvard Design Magazine. 28:18-23

2008 From Modernism to Neoliberalism in São Paulo: Reconfiguring the City and its Citizens. In Other Cities, Other Worlds – Urban Imaginaries in a Globalizing Age, Andreas Huyssen, editor. Duke University Press. Pp. 51-77.

2006 A Contested Public: Walls, Graffiti, and Pichações in São Paulo. In 27a Bienal de São Paulo Como Viver Junto, general catalogue of the 27th Art Biannual of São Paulo. (Bi- lingual publication, English and Portuguese). São Paulo: Fundação Bienal de São Paulo. Pp. 282-290 and 291-299.

2006 "I came to sabotage your reasoning!": Violence and Resignifications of Justice in Brazil. In Law and Disorder in the Postcolony, John Comaroff and Jean Comaroff, editors. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Pp. 102-149.
· published in Spanish as El Rap y la Ciudad: Reemarcando la Inequalidad en São Paulo. In São Paulo: Miradas Cruzadas: Sociedad, Politica y Cultura, Lúcio Kowarick and Eduardo Marques, editors. Quito: Olacchi, 2011. Pp. 345-369.
· published in Portuguese as O Rap e a Cidade. In São Paulo: Novos Percursos e Atores, Sociedade, Cultura e Politica, Lúcio Kowarick and Eduardo Marques, editors. São Paulo: Editora 34, 2011. Pp. 301-320.
· partially reprinted as Hip-hop. Periferia y segregación espacial en São Paulo. Guaraguao. 11(26): 53-63, 2007.

2005 with James Holston. State and Urban Space in Brazil: From Modernist Planning to Democratic Interventions. In Global Assemblages: Technology, Politics, and Ethics as Anthropological Problems. Aihwa Ong and Stephen J. Collier, editors. London: Blackwell. Pp. 393-416.
· reprinted in Managing Urban Futures – Sustainability and Urban Growth in Developing Countries. Marco Keiner, Martina Koll-Schretzenmayr, and Willy A. Schmid, editors. Hampshire: Ashgate, 2005, pp. 141-161.
· published in Portuguese as "Estado e Espaço Urbano no Brasil: do Planejamento Modernista às Intervenções Democráticas” in A Participação em São Paulo. Leonardo Avritzer, editor. São Paulo: Editora da Unesp, 2004, pp. 215-255.

2002 The Paradox of Police Violence in Democratic Brazil. Ethnography. 3(3): 235-263.
· reprinted in: Policing and Contemporary Governance – The Anthropology of Police in Practice, William Garriott, editor. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. Pp. 97-124.

2002 Violência, Direitos e Cidadania: Relações Paradoxais. Ciência e Cultura 54(1):44-46.

2000 The Making and Unmaking of Democratic Spaces. In The Pragmatist Imagination: Thinking about "Things in the Making." Joan Ockman editor. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, pp. 224-233.

1999 with James Holston, Democracy and Violence in Brazil. Comparative Studies in Society and History 41(4):.691-729
· repritend in Mexico, Central, and South America: New Perspectives, Vol. 2 – Democracy. Jorge I. Dominguez, editor. New York: Routledge, 2001, pp. 43-82.
1998 Justice and Individual Rights: Challenges for Women's Movements and Democratization in Brazil. In Women and Democracy - Latin America and Central and Eastern Europe. Jane S. Jaquette and Sharon L. Wolchik, editors. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 75-103.

1998 with James Holston, Democracy, Law, and Violence: Disjunctions of Brazilian Citizenship. In Fault Lines of Democracy in Post-Transition Latin America. Felipe Agüero and Jeffrey Stark, editors. Miami: North-South Center Press, pp. 263-296.

1997 Apresentação (Preface) of Dossiê Visões da Globalização. Novos Estudos Cebrap 49: 3-6.

1996 Fortified Enclaves: The New Urban Segregation. Public Culture 8(2): 303-328.
· repritend in Theorizing the City: The New Urban Anthropology Reader, Setha M. Low, editor. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1999, pp. 83-107.
· reprinted in Cities and Citizenship, James Holston, editor. Durham: Duke University Press, 1999, pp. 114-138.
· published in Portuguese as Enclaves Fortificados: a Nova Segregação Urbana. Novos Estudos Cebrap 47: 155-176, 1997.
· published in Turkish as Sao Paulo'da Yeni Mekânsal Ayrımlas ̧ma: Duvarlar I ̇ns ̧â Etmek. Birikim. 123:87-96, 1999
· published in Croatian as Utvrdene Enklave: Novi Model Urbane Segregacije. In Promisljanje Grada: Studije iz Nove Urbane Anthropologije, Setha M. Low, editor. Zagreb: Nakdada Jesenski I Turk, 2006.

1996 Building Up Walls: The New Pattern of Spatial Segregation in São Paulo International Social Science Journal 147: 55-66.
· published in French as Un Nouveau Modèle de Ségrégation Spatiale: Les Murs de São Paulo. Revue Internationale des Sciences Sociales 147: 65-77, 1996.
· published in Chinese, Russian, and Arabic in the translated editions of the International Social Science Journal, 1996.

1996 Crime and Individual Rights: Reframing the Question of Violence in Latin America. In Constructing Democracy: Human Rights, Citizenship, and Society in Latin America. Elizabeth Jelin and Eric Hershberg, editors. Boulder: Westview Press, pp.197-214.
· published in Spanish as La Delincuencia y Derechos Individuales: Redefiniendo la Violencia en América Latina. In Construir la Democracia: Derechos Humanos, Ciudadanía y Sociedad en América Latina. Elizabeth Jelin and Eric Hershberg, editors. Caracas: Nueva Sociedad, 1996, pp. 213-227.

1993 Comentários a Partir do Artigo 'A violência política na América Latina.' Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais 8(21): 44-47.

1991 Memória e Relato: A Escuta do Outro. Revista do Arquivo Municipal, Vol. 200, special issue Memória e Ação Cultural: 65-76.

1991 Direitos Humanos ou 'Privilégios de Bandidos'?: Desventuras da Democratização Brasileira. Novos Estudos Cebrap 30: 162-174.

1990 Women, Daily Life, and Politics. In Women and Social Change in Latin America. Elizabeth Jelin, editor. London: UNRISD/Zed Books, pp. 47-78
· published in Spanish as Mujeres, Cotidianeidad y Politica. In Ciudadania y Identidad - La Mujer en los Movimientos Sociales en America Latina. Elizabeth Jelin, editor. Geneva: UNRISD, 1987, pp. 75-128.

1989 Antropologia e Poder: Uma Resenha de Etnografias Americanas Recentes. BIB - Boletim Informativo e Bibliográfico de Ciências Sociais 27: 3-50.

1988 The Art of Being Indirect: Talking about Politics in Brazil. Cultural Anthropology 3(4): 444-454.

1988 A Presença do Autor e a Pós-Modernidade em Antropologia. Novos Estudos Cebrap 21: 133-157.

1987 Electoral Struggles in a Neighborhood on the Periphery of São Paulo. Politics & Society 15(1): 43-66.
· published in Portuguese as A Luta pelo Voto em um Bairro da Periferia. Cadernos Cebrap 1: 1-34, 1984.

1984 with Danielle Ardaillon, Mulher: Indivíduo e Família. Novos Estudos Cebrap, 2(4): 2-6

1981 Uma Incursão pelo Lado 'Não-Respeitável" da Pesquisa de Campo. In Ciências Sociais Hoje 1 (Trabalho e Cultura no Brasil): 332-354. Recife/Brasília: ANPOCS/CNPq.

1980 Para Que Serve o Voto?: As Eleições e o Cotidiano na Periferia de São Paulo. In Voto de Desconfiança. Bolivar Lamounier, editor. Petrópolis: Vozes, pp. 81-116.

Outros artigos, blogs, comentários
2021 with Stephen Collier. Preface: An Anthropology of the Contemporary. Festschrift: Paul Rabinow. HAU: Journal on Ethnographic Theory. 11(2): 713-714.

2020 Uma geração emergente de cientistas sociais e produtores culturais. Le Monde Diplomatique – Brasil. 159 – Outubro 2010. https://diplomatique.org.br/uma-geracao-emergente-de-cientistas-sociais-e-produtores-culturais/

2020 co-authored with Gautam Bhan, Kelly Gillespie and AbdouMaliq Simone. The Pandemic, Southern Urbanisms, and Collective Life. Society+Space Magazine. https://www.societyandspace.org/articles/the-pandemic-southern-urbanisms-and-collective-life .
· published in Spanish as La pandemia, urbanismos del sur y vida colectiva and in Catalán as La pandèmia, urbanisms del sud i vida col.lectiva in CCCB/Public space. https://www.publicspace.org/es/multimedia/-/post/the-pandemic-southern-urbanisms-and-collective-life
· published in Portuguese as Pandemia, urbanismos do sul e vida coletiva. Blog da revista Novos Estudos. https://www.publicspace.org/es/multimedia/-/post/the-pandemic-southern-urbanisms-and-collective-life

2018 co-authored with Eduardo Gianetti, José Alexandre Scheinkman, José Roberto Afonso, Marcos Lisboa, Philip Yang and Tiago Cavalcanti. Zoneamento: para quem e para quê. Valor. 16 (907) Caderno Eu & Fim de Semana, pg. 20-23.

2015 From Blueprints to Alter-Spaces. In Europe City, Judit Carrera Editor. Barcelona: Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona and Lars Müller Publishers, 2015. Pp. 170-173

2014 Youth, the City, and Public Interventions: Challenging Patterns of Inequality and Separation. In The cities Papers – An Essay Collection from The Decent City Initiative. SSRC. http://citiespapers.ssrc.org/youth-the-city-and-public-interventions-challenging-patterns-of-inequality-and-separation/

2013 excerpts of the book City of Walls published as: The Implosion of Modern Public Life. In The Anthropology of Citizenship – A Reader, Sian Lazar, editor. Sussex: Wiley Blackwell. Pp. 229-247.

2013 A cidade, os Jovens e os Protestos. Brasileiros. 72:84-86.

2013 São Paulo: The City and its Protests. At http://www.opendemocracy.net/opensecurity/teresa-caldeira/são-paulo-city-and-its-protest
· reprinted in The Globalizing Cities Reader, second edition, Xuefei Ren and Roger Keill, editors. London: Routledge, 2018. Pp: 302-306.

2013 São Paulo: The City and its Protests. At http://kafila.org/2013/07/05/sao-paulo-the-city-and-its-protests-teresa-caldeira/

2012 Prólogo. In Mauro Cerbino. El Lugar de la Violencia – Perspectivas Críticas sobre Pandillerismo Juvenil. Quito: Taurus/Flacso-Ecuador. Pp. 11-13.

2012 Antropologia, ciudad y jóvenes – Un diálogo com Teresa Caldeira. Interview by Mauro Cerbino. Íconos. Revista de Ciencias Sociales. 42:137-149.

2011 Urban Transgressions: Graffiti, Pixação, and Circulation in São Paulo. Conference in a DVD that is part of the book Más Allá de las Pandillas: Violencias, Juventudes y Resistencias en el Mundo Globalizado, Mauro Cerbino, organizer. Quito: Flacso, Sede Ecuador and MIES – Ministerio de Inclusión Económica y Social.

2009 A Estética da Segurança: Desigualdade como Valor. Concinnitas.

2004 Review of the book Uniting a Divided City – Governance and Social Exclusion in Johannesburg by Jo Beall, Owen Crankshaw, and Susan Parnell. International Journal in Urban and Regional Research. 28(1):235-236.

2003 Antropologia da Cidade, Antropologia Cidadã – Entrevista com Teresa Caldeira, por Paula Miraglia, Paula Pinto e Silva, Renato Sztutman, Rose Satiko Hikiji e Stélio Marras. Sexta-Feira. 7: 69:84.

2001 Medo da Cidade. http://www.uol.com.br/tropico/dossie_5_330_1.shl

2001 with James Holston. Uma Sociedade de Imigrantes. Revista da Folha 9(487): 14-15, 16 September 2001.

2001 Review of the book Negotiating National Identity: Immigrants, Minorities, and the Struggle for Ethnicity in Brazil by Jeffrey Lesser. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1999. American Ethnologist 28(3):725-727.

2000 City of Walls: a Discussion with Teresa Caldeira. Interview by Richard Perry. Polar – Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 23(1):122-137

1995 Review of the book Place/Culture/Representation. James Duncan and David Ley, editors. American Anthropologist, 97(2): 378-378.

1994 Review of the book Variations on a Theme Park: The American City and the End of Public Space. Michael Sorkin, editor. Journal of Architectural Education. 48(1):65-67.


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