Direitos Humanos

Role of Núcleo de Estudos da Violência in the Struggle for Universal Access to Human Rights in Brazil, The

NEV’s current research program is scheduled to end in 2005. Until then, each research project will also design an educational project for practitioners, including human rights activists and local public officials in charge of providing services to residents, as well as for teachers and students in elementary and secondary schools, and will develop a knowledge-transfer project to provide information for human rights activists, the media, and members of the criminal-justice system. NEV’s ultimate goal is to contribute to the consolidation of democracy in Brazil by calling attention to the obstacles that prevent its residents from accessing their rights.

Ficha Técnica

Role of Núcleo de Estudos da Violência in the Struggle for Universal Access to Human Rights in Brazil, The
Authors: Nancy Cardia
Ano: 2003
Tema(s): Direitos Humanos
Tipo: Artigo
Language: Inglês
Formato: PDF
Páginas: 13
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Como citar essa publicação

CARDIA, N. The Role of Núcleo de Estudos da Violência in the Struggle for Universal Access to Human Rights in Brazil. In: Health and Human Rights, vol. 6, n.2, pp. 1-13, 2003.