Direitos Humanos

The Pinheiro Principles: United Nations principles on housing and property restitution for refugees and displaced persons

This booklet contains the full text of an important new international standard which outlines the rights of refugees and displaced persons to return not only to their countries when they see fit to do so, but to their original homes and lands as well. The Pinheiro Principles are the culmination of more than a decade of international and local activities in support of the emerging right to housing and property restitution as a core remedy to displacement.

Ficha Técnica

The Pinheiro Principles: United Nations principles on housing and property restitution for refugees and displaced persons
Authors: Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro
Ano: 2006
Tema(s): Direitos Humanos
Tipo: Relatório
Language: Português
Formato: PDF
Páginas: 28
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Como citar essa publicação

PINHEIRO, Paulo Sérgio. The Pinheiro Principles: United Nations principles on housing and property restitution for refugees and displaced persons. Geneva: Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions, Cohre, v. 1, 24 p, 2006.