Polícia, Segurança Pública, Sistema de Justiça, Violência Urbana

Violence in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo: its profile, and the responses it has provoked from the State, the private sector and civil society



Ficha Técnica

Violence in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo: its profile, and the responses it has provoked from the State, the private sector and civil society
Authors: Nancy Cardia
Ano: 2005
Tema(s): Polícia, Segurança Pública, Sistema de Justiça, Violência Urbana
Tipo: Capítulo de livro
Language: Português
Formato: Download indisponível
Páginas: 27

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Como citar essa publicação

CARDIA, N. Violence in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo: its profile, and the responses it has provoked from the State, the private sector and civil society. In: SEGBERS, Klaus et al. (eds.). Public Problems – Private Solutions? Globalizing Cities In The South (Urban and Regional Planning and Development Series). . Farnham: Ashgate Publishing, 2005. p. 279-305.