Bruna Gisi

Bruna Gisi holds a PhD from the Graduate Program in Sociology at the University of Sao Paulo (2016), an MA from the Graduate Program in Sociology at the University of Sao Paulo (2010), and Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences from the Federal University of Paraná (2005). She concluded her Postdoc at the Center for the Study of Violence (2017-2018). She serves as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Sao Paulo and Associate Researcher at USP's Center for the Study of Violence. She has experience in Sociology, focusing on Sociology of Punishment and Sociology of Violence, mainly working on the following subjects: punishment, juvenile justice system, socio-educational measures, Child and Adolescent Statute. She currently collaborates in the CEPID-FAPESP Program “Building democracy daily: human rights, violence and institutional trust” with researches addressing legitimacy from the perspective of law enforcement officials.
Academic Background
2012 - 2016
PhD in Sociology.
University of Sao Paulo, USP, Brazil.
Title: The practical rationality of institutional isolation: a study of the application of socio-educational imprisonment measures in São Paulo.
Advisor: Marcos César Alvarez.
Fellowship: São Paulo Research Foundation, FAPESP, Brazil.
2008 - 2010
MA in Sociology (CAPES Concept 7).
University of Sao Paulo, USP, Brazil.
Title: The experience of imprisonment among adolescents: punitive practices and institutional routines.
Advisor: Marcos César Alvarez.
Fellowship: National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq
2002 - 2005
Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences.
Federal University of Paraná, UFPR, Brazil.
Title: Testing Pierre Bourdieu's theoretical model: an empirical study of political elites.
Advisor: Adriano Nervo Codato.
Fellowship: Araucária Foundation - Paraná