Eduardo Casteluci

Eduardo Casteluci is a PhD Student at the Graduate Program in Sociology of the University of Sao Paulo, under the guidance of Professor. Dr. Sergio Adorno. He holds an MA (2017) in Sociology from the Graduate Program in Sociology of the University of Sao Paulo, under the guidance of Prof. Sergio Adorno. He conducts his research in the fields of Legal Sociology (with emphasis on the sociology of legal institutions). He specialized in the sociological analysis of the decision-making processes of public law operators as well as in the comparative analysis between decision-making processes positioned and guided by the tradition of common law and civil law. He holds a BA (2014) in Social Sciences from the Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Human Sciences of the University of Sao Paulo. He has professional experience in housing and urbanism, having collaborated with several government projects in different cities of the state of São Paulo.
Academic Background
2018 -
PhD student in Sociology (CAPES Concept 6).
University of Sao Paulo, USP, Brazil.
Title: The ends and means of the Rule of Law: a case study on award-winning collaborations in Brazil.
Advisor: Sérgio França Adorno de Abreu.
2015 - 2017
MA in Sociology (CAPES Concept 6).
University of Sao Paulo, USP, Brazil.
Title: Discretion and Legal Institutions: a polysemic debate.
Advisor: Sérgio França Adorno de Abreu.
2010 - 2014
Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences.
Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Human Sciences - USP, USP, Brazil.