Letícia Simões Gomes
Letícia Simões Gomes holds a BA from the Institute of International Relations of the University of Sao Paulo (IRI-USP). She concluded her scientific initiation program at the Research Center on Health Law, USP. She has experience in Political Science, with emphasis on International, Bilateral and Multilateral Relations, focusing on the following subjects: international health, right to health and international law. She is currently working in the field of Human Sciences, Political Science, and Public Policy as a technical training fellow (TT3) at the Center for the Study of Violence of the University of Sao Paulo (NEV / USP).
Academic Background
2019 PhD student in the graduate program in Sociology
University of Sao Paulo, USP, Brazil.
Title: Predictive policing, social control and racial inequality.
Advisor: Sergio França Adorno de Abreu.
2016 – 2018 MA in Sociology.
Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Human Sciences, FFLCH/USP, Brazil.
Title: The (in)visibility of the racial issue in the training of Military Police Officers. Year Obtained: 2018.
Advisor: Sergio França Adorno de Abreu.
2010 – 2014 Bachelor of Arts in International Relations.
Institute of International Relations USP, IRI-USP, Brazil.