Renato Alves

Renato Alves holds a BA in psychology from the Methodist University of São Paulo (1999), a BA in social sciences from the University of Sao Paulo (1999), and an MA (2005) and a PhD (2013) in School Psychology and Human Development from the University of Sao Paulo. He is a researcher at the Center for the Study of Violence at the University of Sao Paulo (NEV / USP) and professor at the Methodist University of Sao Paulo. He has experience in the fields of Psychology, Sociology, Human Rights, and Human Rights Education.
Academic Background
2009 - 2013: PhD in School Psychology and Human Development (CAPES Concept 4).
University of Sao Paulo, USP, Brazil.
Title: The development process of a home visiting program for pregnant teenagers and mothers.
Advisor: Eda Marconi Custódio.
2002 - 2005: MA in School Psychology and Human Development (CAPES Concept 4).
University of Sao Paulo, USP, Brazil.
Title: Violence and daily life: reflections from the experiences of a group of teachers at Jd. Ângela.
Advisor: Eda Marconi Custódio.
2000 - 2001: Specialization in Hospital Psychology.
School of Medicine of the University of Sao Paulo, FMUSP, Brazil.
1995 - 1999: Bachelor of Arts in social sciences.
University of Sao Paulo, USP, Brazil.
1995 - 1999: Bachelor of Arts in psychology.
Methodist University of São Paulo, UMESP, Brazil.