Candidates listed for phase 2 of the Selection for Post-doctoral Fellowships
24 de May de 2021
The Center for the Study of Violence at the University of São Paulo announces the list of candidates called for phase 2 of the selection for post-doctoral fellowships in the Institutional Research Program “Building Democracy Daily: Human Rights, Violence, and Institutional Trust,” supported by the São Paulo Research Foundation (CEPID-FAPESP), according to the Notice published […]
The Center for the Study of Violence at the University of São Paulo announces the list of candidates called for phase 2 of the selection for post-doctoral fellowships in the Institutional Research Program “Building Democracy Daily: Human Rights, Violence, and Institutional Trust,” supported by the São Paulo Research Foundation (CEPID-FAPESP), according to the Notice published on April 20.
All people on the list below will be contacted through the email address informed in the registration, with a message confirming the date, time and access data for online interview:
Amanda Evelyn Cavalcanti de Lima
Anelise Gregis Estivalet
Camilo Morano Vannuchi
Caroline Soares de Andrade Caldas
Claudia García Muñoz
Dabana Namone
Etyelle Pinheiro de Araújo
Gabriel Bayarri Toscano
Izadora Xavier do Monte
Janara Nicoletti
José Teles Mendes
Juliana Chiaretti Novi
Karolina Svobodova
Lira Luz Benites Lázaro
Pablo Emanuel Romero Almada
Réia Sílvia Gonçalves Pereira
Sara Badra de Oliveira
Sergio Grossi
Sérgio Silva Borges
Thiago Dias da Silva
Veridiana Pereira Parahyba Campos
Published: May 24, 2021